Thursday, January 6, 2011

Certificate of Appreciation

Certificate of Appreciation
granted by
King Abdulaziz University
Sheikh Mohmmed Hussein Al-Amoudi Center of Excellence in Breast Cancer
in collaboration with Dowhat Aljazeera School for girls


Anonymous said...

"There's something you can give,
To a friend & a strange too.
It seems that when you give it,
It’s given back to you.
This present is worth a million,
But doesn't cost a dime,
It’s lasting in effect,
But doesn’t take much time,
This simple little gesture,
Can make the day worthwhile;
It’s just as good as sunshine;
It’s what we call a smile;
Why display?”

Ruth Tapia Cervantez

Ana Daya said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and your nice words Ms. Cervantez!

My blog is about me and what I do; therefore, displaying my works and achievements comes naturally otherwise no other reason to have it.

I don’t do or earn anything by posting my work or receiving certificates, on the contrary, everything I do comes from my heart and it’s done to help and inspire others.

Another reason to display it is to show the change it is happening in Saudi Arabia, where I live presently.


Nani Andrade said...

Olha gostei de mostrares o teu certificado querida amiga! Deves orgulhar-te do trabalho que fazes e mostrar, porque é feito com genuinidade, simplicidade e és um exemplo para muitas mulheres. Gestos valem mais que mil palavras! Gostei do teu gesto...
... e das palavras também! ;)
És uma inspiração!
Beijo amiga

Ana Daya said...

Es uma querida, Nani! Obrigada por visitares o meu blog e deixares uma palavrinhas q aquecem sempre o coracao!
Nao te esquecas que tu es sim uma MULHER com todas as letras, alem de uma boa amiga que prezo muito!
Beijoca XXL