Sunday, December 25, 2011

25th December it’s not Christmas Day everywhere…

Living in a country where outside we cannot show or celebrate Christmas, and my husband just left the house to go to work, was thinking about how we invisible can influence our kids. So decided to think a little bit about it and explore this topic, and at same time share with you something that warmed my heart this morning – My son’s Christmas cards for us!

(The duckling is born floating... Filho de peixe sabe nadar... ;)))
Do you know that the first 4 years impact a child's entire life? A child can comprehend some words by the age of one and 40% of the adult intelligence develops in the first 4 years. Pretty fascinating!!! So that’s the best period to develop a child's physical abilities, intellect, language, imagination and creativity.
As contrary to what we think, a kid hears and understands the most in his formative years and not in later years. That's why it’s imperative that parents should provide their child the best possible and stimulating and motivating atmosphere.
Let your child run around and explore with didactic tools and toys. This is where the role of a pre-school assumes importance. It is very important that what kind of peer group your kid is interacting with at the school because this group forms the learning ground for them about right behaviour, performance, routine, friendship, sharing etc., Your kid can be a "Einstein" in making if he is nurtured in the right environment and, of course with lots of love!

Do us parents give the most to our childs?
Parents do have a significant and vital role to play in a child's formative years!! It’s a disappointment to say that in this techno century we just forget that.

How can we play our roles efficiently?
Give them freedom to move, to think, to express, to explore and let your kid see the world through their eyes and not yours. Give your kids opportunities to show their creativity with colours or dance steps or to interact and relate with the peer group and perform in front of people.
And... as a reminder am sure you know, the most important is to give them love. Appreciate and motivate your child so that he can take on life with confident and optimism and cheerfulness!

Have a great Christmas day!!!!
I will spend it all with my son, and later on with my other love - my husband!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Merry Christmas, Guys!!!!!

What do you want from Christmas?

Many people do hope for more than presents at Christmas...
(ex for a xmas wrapping)
 (door hangers)
 We want to somehow return to a time in our childhood (or some other good time in the past), when life was simpler and made more sense, before the troubles of adult life arrived.
Am pretty sure that behind all the fun and decorations, there is a message... something more, some key to life, hope and happiness.
So can we look beyond the way Christmas is celebrated today, and find any real meaning, any message for our lives today?
Christmas is the time to rejoice in the glories of Christ's birth and celebrate all the blessings of the Holy Spirit with your friends, family, acquaintances and loved ones.

Christmas is the jolliest time of the year!!!!
Celebrate the joys of this wonderful time and have fun with your friends, family and loved ones. Send them your wishes in the old yule way - a christmas card!
Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Parabens Carmo!

Parabens Carmolas!!!!!

Nao vais passar por aqui de certeza, mas aqui fica uma beijoca de parabens!
Ana Rute, Amer & Afonso

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Parabens, Anabela!!!

Chegou tarde, mas so ao blog... ;))

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ja perdi a conta ha quantos anos te conheco… Estaremos a ficar enrugadas? Hehehe
A nossa amizade nao anulou a distancia, mas deu vida a essa distancia!
Parabens, sua velha carqueja!
Votos de um dia fantastico!!!
Ana Rute, Amer & Afonso

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Boss

My Boss is smart, witty, intelligent, funny and generous!
Thanks for believing in my ideas...Thanks for being a great Boss!
Happy Boss Day, Wafa!!!
Big Kiss

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy belated birthday ya binit Wafa!

(just belated in the blog, not in my memory! lol)

Ya binit, ya habibti, ya haiati Jeddah mis gheir bedunik!!! Yalla yalla!

Your birthday came, your birthday went,

Here is the card, I should have sent!

(impressed with my poetry! ;))
How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older???

A big kiss from Jeddah to Brighton


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ooops, estou atrasada!

Desculpa o atraso, mas aqui estou eu!

Parabens, Salsicha do Cartaxo!!!!!!

Vou-me repetir: A Terra esta cheia de Ceu, miuda!

Beijocas arabescas de todos nos

Ana Rute, Amer e Afonso

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Parabens Alzira Sogrinha!!!

Es o gelado no bolo…
Es as fitas e os lacos…
Es as bolhinhas no sumo…
Es tao, tao especial…
Feliz Aniversario!!!!

Muuuuuuuitos Parabens e um dia muuuuuuuito feliz!
Ana Rute, Amer & Afonso

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

AlJazeera Art Exhibiton 2011

Welcome to the Dawhat AlJazeera Art Exhibition 2011

25th May, 2011

Following a challenging and exciting academic year, it gives me great pleasure to display some of the numerous works of art produced by my students from grades 1 to 6.

It also brings me personal satisfaction to witness and measure their skills
progress and develepment.

This is obvious in how precise their works have become and how subconsciously they

have started using technical art terms in their daily life vocabulary.

It's time to go on vacations, but it's also time to reflect on what I have to improve on for next year.

We can always make things better!!

Wish you all happy, healthy and relaxed vacations and... In September, God willing, we will be back to bring out the best in our junior artists!

All the best!!!

Miss Ana

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Parabens Piriquito Afonso!!!!!

Feliz Aniversario, Meu Querido!!!!!

Que possas enfrentar o futuro com esperanca e coragem, entusiasmo, energia e alegria!

Apoia-te em todos eles e constroi uma vida que valha a pena ser vivida!

Com amor...

Mae e Amer xxxxx

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Parabens Nani Grande!!!!

Os meus votos no teu aniversario sao: alegrias sem fim, presentes dados com amor, amigos ah tua volta, musica, danca, divertimentos e alegria. Felicidade!!

Muuuuitos Parabens Nani Grande!!!!!

Bj XXl

Ana Rute