Season's Greetings Dec/Jan
Season’s Greetings !!!!!
With Christmas and New Year just about the corner, it's the time of the year to be cheerful and merry. Celebrate the warmth of the season and multiply the happiness around. It’s also time for Holiday Thank You! Be grateful for the gifts that your friends/ family/ loved ones have given you. Thank them for making your Holiday Season a great one!
Around the world, holiday greetings are a selection of greetings that are often spoken with good intentions to strangers, family, friends, or other people during the months of December and January.
Holidays with greetings include Christmas, New Year's Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Ramadan (which falls at a different time each year; every year it goes back a month) and recently, Kwanzaa. Some greetings are more prevalent than others, depending on the cultural and religious status of any given area.
Typically, a greeting consists of the word "Happy" followed by the holiday, such as "Happy New Year", although the phrase "Merry Christmas" is a notable exception.
The tradition of sending Christmas cards originated in the mid-1800s when a few people began to design handmade cards to send to family and friends. A man named John Calcott Horsely is credited as being the first to actually print Christmas cards. The card depicted a family enjoying the holiday, with scenes of people performing acts of charity. The card was inscribed: "Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to You". 
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Wise new Year!
Para ti ANA e para todo o Mundo
PAZ, SAÚDE, AMIZADE, ALEGRIA em todos os dias da vida, e que quando a tisteza e a dor chegarem que tudo seja passageiro, e haja a coragem para ultrapassar as dificuldades e regressar ao estado de conforto e bem estar.
andrade da silva
Meu Amigo,
Obrigada pelas tuas habituais palavras sensatas.
Tentarei seguir os teus conselhos - a dor e a tristeza tem que ser passageiras, e a Pas, Saude, Amizade e Alegria tem que ser predominantes neste ciclo.
Faco meus os teus votos!
Ana Rute
Bom Ano. Tudo Bem contigo?
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